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What are your investments?

The majority of our investments are non-financial. Our real worth is in our ideas and time. I am declaring that there are 4 non-financial investments that determine our wealth.

Energy— what gives your energy? I have found that having a structure or framework defines my output. I like to have a visual of how I will management my project. I use

Love–what do you love and why? I love gardening, it allows me a time to commune with nature and gets into a zen space. I love to learn and enjoy learning about the stock market, forex and cryptocurrency. This has become my part-time endeavor to earn money. I currently study with, Cubicle, and

Time How many hours do you spend on creating a life you want? I found when I made an appointment to study, write and create content, I was close to reaching my financial goals without stressing about and grinding. It became a routine.

Happiness and Joy What makes you happy or gives you joy? When was the last time you were happy and feeling joy? I spend time daily reaching out to family and friends to stay connected. Today, I plan to spend time with my daughter to check out a new film during the middle of the day. One of my friends texted me about reading and understanding Think or swim platform. I made a reference that she could call their contact number and someone could answer her questions. Her questions were more involved than I could answer.  It is knowing when we can help someone and how we can best serve.

Hope this has helped you to look at your investments with new eyes. Here is a course that might help you take your business idea to another level.

What are your investments? How do you categorize your non-financial goals?  How, do your non-financial goals relate to your financial goals?

Wishing happy investing and building your tomorrows today.
Chari Farmer Ogogo

Chari Ogogo

I help people nearing retirement understand their finances via one on one coaching, webinars and blogging.

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