Wealthy podcast series

Creating Wealth One Day At A Time

Wealth creation is today’s message. There are 4 basic ideas of a wealthy lifestyle:
long term position, financial education that will last more than one generation, choose assets that are income producing, and create more than 3 streams of income.

What type of wealthy habits do we share with our families that ensure security and create wealth? Learn the importance of saving to invest. Where do we invest? We can learn about stock markets, real estate and business development. Do we have short term goals and long term goals?

These are the areas that can change a family wealth outlook. How do we spend our time? What do we read or watch? Do we plan our spending with the idea of creating wealth one day at a time?

One great start is getting an understanding of money. Here is a course that you can study with your family. Begin to break down myths and choose another way. Choose to get a financial education that lead to a better path and journey.


Creating wealth today for tomorrow

Chari Farmer Ogogo

Chari Ogogo

I help people nearing retirement understand their finances via one on one coaching, webinars and blogging.

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