Business Tips and investing Lifestyle Marketing

Review of Free to join Business Model

saving money...saving the world

I recently had an opportunity to listen in to a presentation that is appealing to both nonprofits and business owners.  One of the key is to have a niche mission statement and appeal to our nature to help others to grow and have business that can be done anywhere in the world.

I have been with SFI for several years and their niche is to start a business with little or no money.  Everyday many people sign up and join. One of the great things is the training with SFI.  It has been around for nearly 16 years.  Most people who earn the big bucks, have to create a large team to really see big results.

I recently  took a look at another company OurGv that is free to join and the training is also awesome.  What you find is that the product that you are promoting are products and companies that most of us already use. What makes OurGv somewhat different is their appeal is to both nonprofits and Business to business.  To make the big money you will need to invest some money to get the results you desire. Thirty dollars a month is small investment that could pay big bucks.

I am giving you a brief synopis of two great companies, however, you will need to decide which fits your budget and your timeline.  To select a business, you need to decide which fits with your desires, goals, and time commitment.  Most people are now working a full time job and looking to start a business that will allow you more time with family, less commute and more quality of time and of course income.  Take a look and choose a business structure that fits your goals.

Wishing you health, happiness and wealth

Chari Farmer Ogogo



Chari Ogogo

I help people nearing retirement understand their finances via one on one coaching, webinars and blogging.

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