Health Tips Inspiration Motivation

Why develop self reliance?

No matter where you are you can grow something to eat. Shift your thinking and you’d be surprised at the places your food can be grown! Windowsill, fire escape, and rooftop gardens have the same potential to provide impressive harvests as backyard gardens, greenhouses, and community spaces. ~Greg Peterson, Grow Wherever You Go! Discovering the Place Where Your Garden Lives, 2009,

The world has so many problems and news of the day is downright negative. It is difficult to find the heartwarming story or glimmer of hope. We must guard our sanity to be able to work, not overindulge and be an inspiration to our family and community.
To keep our minds and hearts in balance, we must find a hobby that provides a respite from the chatter of the world.
Here is a list of why hobbies can find your inner sanctuary.
A hobby can give you a sense of self-efficacy.
A hobby can be a creative outlet.
Having hobbies will keep your brain engaged.
A hobby gives you something to look forward to.
A hobby can give you something to be passionate about.

Here are a few hobbies that can offer that creative outlet for your soul.
cooking from your kitchen
playing an instrument
having a pet such as fish.

These are just a few ideas to explore and in no time you may find your hobby that fuels your soul and gives your life meaning. Your hobby can allow you to make a difference in your family and community.

Happy investing in yourself.

Chari Farmer Ogogo
Be Savvy Live Wealthy

Chari Ogogo

I help people nearing retirement understand their finances via one on one coaching, webinars and blogging.

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