
Joy, Comfort & Harmony For The New Year

What makes this upcoming new year so special?

It is a time that we speak of  hope and clean the slate with  ourselves and others. We talk of great plans and making ourselves anew.  It is  a time we want to create the best of all possible times.

Daily Renewal
This year I chose to give  from the heart and speak uplifting words to family and friends. I listen to their hopes and wishes. I remember those who have given me encouragement and those who have inspired me.

Action Plan

This year I plan a gratitude journal,  send cards and wishes of the best is yet to come.
I want to make a difference in others lives. I give gifts to organizations that have helped others in their communities. I will organize my time for building relationships and spend less time trying to make money.  Instead of doing, I will concentrate on being.

Giving Plan
Reach out to those who may need more encouragement and plan on forgiveness. Each day we strive to be the best and sometimes we need to rebuild our self worth. Give someone an encouraging word. It only takes a minute. May you receive all that you desire and become the best.

Now is the best time

  • Stay in the present
  • Simplfy my list to a set of three
  • Work with a plan to complete one goal
  • Encourage, set an example and look for the good in others
  • Give thanks

Happy New Year  and write out your goal and plan of action.  May this be the beginning of an amazing journey.


Chari Farmer Ogogo

Visionary Entrepreneur


Chari Ogogo

I help people nearing retirement understand their finances via one on one coaching, webinars and blogging.

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