
Gratitude Challenge of 30 days

Nothing is more fundamental to the success of relationships, business development and better health is to acknowledge gratitude in all that you receive and able to give.  I recently lost a contract and was at a loss for words.  It came suddenly and without warning. For me this was the loss of 3 contracts within 3 months.

From these losses, I had to reconstruct a sense of value of who I am and what I am choosing and why is this happening to me.  When I removed the guilt and anger, I replaced my new situation with gratitude.  I have time to complete my unpublished book. I reconnected with some uplifting friends.  I release to their higher good, toxic relationships and conditions that no longer served me. I set a definite course of action to regain my footing and developed my why.

I began to write and share my story of who I am and pulled away the facade and stated that failure does not mean I am devalued.  The losses are not me, they are really a way of me finding my lost self and rediscover what is most important.  A job loss is not the end of the road, it is the beginning of finding out what is most important and declutter our lives.  Rebuild on a foundation that is true and authentic.

Writing has become the way that I share the story and gain a perspective who I am.  Yesterday, I spent time in a beading shop and learned a new skill. I found that the teacher was patient with me and shared her story of why she opened up her beading shop.  She shared with me how she selected the beads and how to thread and condition the thread before beading.  The pattern that I selected was a spiraling bead pattern.  This selection seem similar to my life right now.

A dear friend visited me and helped me to review my programs and website, he gave me his time and insight on how I could grow my business and what tools I needed to implement for greater success.  This one on one discussion, helped me see the value of my business and what plans I could implement now to grow cash and income.  My fear of loss was lessen and I was able to write out a 180 day plan that would restore my financial, mental and physical health.

When fear comes knocking on the door, we must not give it too much energy.  We must restore our faith and set about a plan of action. I looked at my sources of income and cash flow.  I discovered that I had more than I had imagined and now I needed to follow through.  One of my biggest money pit is buying too much food when I am feeling stressed.  I looked in my pantry and made a meal out of what I had available.  I made a delicious chocolate smoothie that had all the nutrients to start my day.

Looking outside to my backyard, I saw the leaves that were fluttering around.  This was my call to get outside and rake leaves and get some exercise.  The benefits of exercise is to relieve stress ,give yourself time to think ,move those muscles and stretch and gain more flexibility.

First day of my gratitude challenge, I set about doing the following for the next thirty days.

Here is the different practices of Gratitude that I will incorporate and write about.

1- Keeping a Gratitude Journal

2- Counting blessings

3- Visual Reminders

4- Putting money in a jar and once full give it to the people in need

5- Gratitude to what the people give and receive.

6- Sending one greeting card to 30 people we are grateful for in a 30 day period(Great resource for that on my channel)

7- Prayers

8- Affirmation such as (I am so happy and grateful now that (fill the blank)

9- Visual Meditation

Let me know if this challenge is something that you find worthwhile and a boost to your business.

To your health, happiness and wealth.

Chari Farmer Ogogo



Chari Ogogo

I help people nearing retirement understand their finances via one on one coaching, webinars and blogging.

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  1. Wooo Hooo Chari!! I Am So Proud Of You Girl!! You’re A Rock Star! I Love Your Gratitude Challenge! It is Amazing what we can accomplish when we focus on what we have and give thanks and then turn everything negative around into positives.

    I am so Grateful to have net you and to have you in my life.

    Truly Blessed. Chery :))

  2. Hi Chari, love your introspective about your recent untimely changes. I am so glad you were able to listen to that silent voice from within and reconstructed a sense of value and looked within to see who you are.

    I have heard many stories of people taking a perceived failure or dire situation and turned it into something to be marveled about. It seems to me that you are on that route…stay focused.

    On your money jar…world renowned T.Harv Eker has a wonderful system that he teaches at his FREE 3 days MMI training. It is a money management system I believe you will resonate with…in other words you will love it.

    He also teaches a 90 day…conditioning program, that based on what you are doing will strengthen your skills and ability to follow through. Much success in your endeavor.

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