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How to jump start your business in 4 weeks

footer-imageGo from confused entrepreneur visionary to real life business owner in just 4-weeks. Are you ready to leave the day job and start your own business? Are you tired of getting up each day and working to build someone else’s dream? Are you ready to finally start that business you’ve been talking about?

Here are 8 specific suggestions for boosting your mood and take charge to move forward.
Accept yourself as you are and accept that you deserve to be happy.
Do today what you would do if you found out you had only months left to live.
Plan pleasurable activities in advance. Looking forward to something.
Behave in a way that you have arrived. Just do it. Instead of looking at the attitude you must change.
Think of 5 things each day for you which you are grateful and write them down.
View the world optimistically
Help others and ask for help when you need it. Answer the question. What did I do for someone else and for myself today?
When you think of the negatives, note it, evaluate and replace the thought with something more realistic.

To shift in an entrepreneurial mode, we must replace a victim or overwhelm thinking. The online class will be a foundation strategy for building our dream business. Here are the topics to be covered: – How to shift your mindset toward a lifestyle of entrepreneurship and ultimately success. – How to define your target audience so that you’re not shooting blindly in the dark hoping to catch an attentive ear. – Crafting a solid infrastructure, that will automate your business, helping you gain revenue in your sleep! – Where to find the funding to support your business’ developmental stage. You’ll receive a 35-page, customizable Blueprint for starting your business.
Become financially free and learn skills to not be stressed if there is a downturn in the market.

Great way to learn a new skill set, build your business, design your marketing plan and execute.
Moreover, you will find ongoing support for your business and acquire more like-minded business partners who can guide you along your journey.

In today’s market it is about building your network and enlarging your sphere. As we know today, the internet makes it possible to grow and build a business and make new contacts all with a click. One vehicle is using the Facebook groups to build a following, grow your brand and set up for success.

Today is the day to take charge of your future and increase your confidence and believe it is possible to make a difference in your finances and choosing your lifestyle. Begin to understand you can gain control of your success by taking personal actions for your outcomes. When we spend too much time on the external events in the news and not investing in our personal development, the life we live is not in the moment. Grace Hansen wrote ” Don’t be afraid that your life will end; be afraid that it will never begin”
Here is the link for your personal development:

Happy Investing in your yourself and your future

Chari Ogogo

I help people nearing retirement understand their finances via one on one coaching, webinars and blogging.

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